Daily Archives: April 8, 2024

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Antique Victorian 800 Silver Niello Watch Chain Sautoir Necklace-Rare. 55.11 inches long. One of the clasps closes hard, but in my opinion this is not a big problem. I sell antique and vintage collectible stuff – unique items that have history, and may show signs of this – it’s part of their charm. Please be sure to view all photos carefully as they are included as part of the item description! I try to describe any obvious faults as truthfully as I can. However, as most of my items are 100 years old, they will often bear the traces of a previous life.

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Chalices Silver 84 Niello Cup Moscow 1861 Luxury UltraRare. Dear buyers, We are offering a gorgeous piece from our collection! However, since this is a beautiful lovely decorative item, it is unavoidable. And it is satisfactory to use. This is a lovely item to own specially if you have a hobby of collecting rare special items. Or to give as a special gift as there are a. A beautiful, antique chalice made by Moscow craftsmen in 1861. Silver, rolling, engraving, embossing and, of course, niello of very fine workmanship, in the best traditions of Russian silversmiths of that era. Despite the fact that the master’s products with similar initials are found on other products stored today, including in museum collections (for example, in the State Historical Museum), today his name is unfortunately unknown to us. Chalices of such quality and preservation with niello are very rare. Prove of authenticity is […]